From Mobility Mayhem to Tech Triumph: Hacking Remote Work with a Disability

While the shift to remote work liberated many, for those with disabilities, it presented unforeseen obstacles. This article chronicles the obstacles of navigating a journey with a disability like multiple sclerosis, the challenges like hand-eye coordination issues and visual impairments. But instead of succumbing, one can dive into the world of assistive technology, transforming their workspace into a haven of productivity. From ergonomic keyboards to screen readers, I share my "future-proofing" tips, emphasizing communication with employers and embracing a flexible, tech-powered approach. Ultimately, this heartwarming story is a testament to resilience and resourcefulness, proving that with determination and a dash of digital magic, anyone can thrive in the remote work revolution.

Question mark on a handicap symbol.
Question mark on a handicap symbol.

Remote Work: A Rollercoaster Ride for My Disability (But Here's How to Hack It)

Confession time: my multiple sclerosis wasn't exactly thrilled about the whole remote work revolution. Sure, ditching the commute was a dream come true, but it also unleashed a hidden set of challenges I never saw coming. Like, who knew aiming for that "P" key would become an Olympic event, or that my once-perfect vision would turn reading medicine labels into a blurry guessing game?

But hey, I'm not one to let a little (okay, maybe a lot) of disability slow me down. So, I embarked on a quest to hack the remote work system for my unique needs. And guess what? Turns out, there's a whole secret arsenal of assistive tech out there, just waiting to be discovered.

Mobility Mayhem:

The challenges mobility may bring to a remote work environment.

You are at your computer or phone desk. To get to it and work effectively can be tricky. Things to think about is your seat situation. Are you in a wheelchair or do you need a specially designed desk chair?

man riding green racing wheelchair
man riding green racing wheelchair


Gaining comfort at a desk, there are things to think about. Remember that desk chair you inherited from your great-aunt Mildred? Yeah, ditch it. Your wheelchair rails, do they provide clearance? Are they low enough to fit under the desk or adjustable to match your desired comfort?

Do you need to go from one place to another frequently? I need to take multiple bathroom breaks, wherein an electric wheelchair is basically a remote work superhero for bathroom breaks.

Desk chairs:

Maybe comfort is of importance. Long hours sitting in the same place for someone with a disability can create more than just discomfort. It can create pain in your derriere from sitting for long periods or back pains due to poor posture because your seat doesn’t have support in specific locations. Ergonomic chairs are specifically designed to handle these issues. So, it’s best to be proactive and prepare for impending issues that your disability may bring.

Hand-Eye Coordination Challenges:

Another thing to consider is the coordination of your hands. Specifically, your fingers for typing or your hands for moving your mouse around.

black and red cordless computer mouse
black and red cordless computer mouse


Keyboards can be tricky. As time with a disability progresses your movements can become slightly out of sync. I have experienced the shift of just the simple scratch of my forehead became challenging, wherein I often miss my target all the time. To give a visual, I go to scratch my forehead and end up pocking myself in the eye! Tricky right. These are small little things that no one thinks about that can happen. You can only imagine the toilet tissue saga!!! Let’s refocus “keyboards”. They can be challenging, but ergonomic keyboards are here to save the day. Some are designed with bigger keys that make it easy to press your desired letter, some are designed with a special curve wherein you don’t need to be uncomfortable while typing and other features to make the typing experience a smooth sail. Software voice recognition has become incredibly good as well. You speak and it types, your in-house transcriptionist per se.


Those who have trouble with using a mouse for an extended period of time. Imagine trying to simply click on something and constantly missing. It can be very frustrating. Well ergonomic mouse is your solution. Designed to move smoothly, shaped for hand comfort like you just have you hand resting on a cushion and the placement of the buttons “amazing”. This makes web surfing so much nicer for me.

turned-on flat screen monitor
turned-on flat screen monitor

Visual Challenges:

Visual issues in my opinion are the biggest issue that can be imagined, but not truly understood. Something as simple as looking at my watch to see what time it is now a challenge. I understand this reduction of sight occurs as you get older but I’m in my 40’s and had good eyesight and for it to go disappear in the blink of an eye. Wow! I know others, even younger go through these challenges as well. For your computer monitor, there’s an answer….


The technology has given you some abilities, you can change some settings and increase the screen size. You can adjust font sizes of more applications and adjust the color contrast to make the Hugh easier to view for long periods of time. If eye strain is a problem, they have monitors with resolutions of 4K and higher, have you seen 8K resolution? Wonderful! There are Screen readers software that reads the text from screen for you.’

There are assistive devices as well. Anti-Glare coatings, curved monitors, adjustable monitor stands, and touchscreen monitors all making it easier to engage with your monitors for less discomfort or pain.

The Future-Proofing Potion:

The worst part? My MS is a sneaky little gremlin, always plotting to up the difficulty level. But here's the secret weapon: I don't wait for the gremlin to strike. I research, I experiment, I practice with these tools before my fingers turn into thumbs. It's like preparing for the ultimate boss battle in the game of remote work.


  • Communication is key: Don't be shy about your disability. Tell your employer what you need and watch the magic of inclusivity happen.

  • Tech to the rescue: Dive into the world of assistive technology. It's a treasure trove waiting to be explored.

  • Craft your haven: Design your workspace to be a beacon of comfort and productivity, tailored to your specific needs.

  • Break time, best time: Don't push yourself to the edge. Schedule breaks, stretch, and give your body (and mind) some TLC.

  • Connection is currency: Remote doesn't mean isolated. Build relationships with colleagues, have virtual coffee breaks, and remember, laughter is the best medicine (even for digital ailments).

So, while remote work might have thrown me a few curveballs, I'm learning to swing, hit home runs, and maybe even slide into home plate with a victory dance. This is my disability, my journey, and my remote work adventure. And trust me, it's one heck of a story.

We're all in this together, navigating the ever-evolving landscape of remote work. Let's share our experiences, our struggles, and most importantly, our innovative solutions. Because in the end, it's not about the challenges, it's about how we rise to meet them, with a little tech magic and a whole lot of determination.

Some ideas of assistive devices to check out.

For some in-depth and detailed ergonomic keyboards.

For some information on power wheelchairs.